Best Acupuncture in Denver
How Acupuncture Works
Ideal Health offers comprehensive acupuncture in Denver. But, what is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese healing art that is based on the belief that disease, pain, and discomfort are all caused by disruptions to the body's energy flow, called qi or chi (CHEE). This energy travels through the body in pathways called meridians. By inserting tiny needles into acupuncture, or acupressure, points along these pathways, we can release the blocked Qi and free up the body to then rebalance and heal itself properly.
Acupuncture Research
The use of acupuncture in China has been recorded for over 2,000 years, but some scholars say the use of acupuncture dates back as far as 4000 years. There have been numerous modern studies that have attempted to establish exactly how this complementary medical practice works and which conditions it treats most successfully.
For instance, Prevention Magazine found ten research-backed ways that the ancient practice of acupuncture improves your health. Their list includes the reduction or alleviation of migraines and headaches, menopause symptoms, acid reflux, depression, seasonal allergies, insomnia, blood pressure, stress, back pain, weight problems, and sluggish immune cells.
Many Western practitioners state that acupuncture stimulates our nerves which signal the brain to release neurohormones (e.g., oxytocin, vasopressin, etc.) that elevate our feelings of well-being in the body. Other practitioners claim that the needles tell the brain to release a nerve growth factor that regenerates our nerves, which then improves our sense of well-being. Still, others believe that the strategically placed needles stimulate the body's natural painkillers and increase our blood flow. While there may be different theories on why it works, there is agreement on its efficacy for treating the medical conditions outlined above.
However, one thing is for sure: our chiropractic staff knows plenty about acupuncture. Whether it's the origins of acupuncture, the benefits this therapy can provide, or the actual ancient techniques, Ideal Health Chiropractic offers some of the best acupuncture in Denver.
Book An Appointment With The Best Acupuncture in Denver
If you've never experienced an acupuncture session before, you're in for a wonderful surprise. While being stuck full of needles does not sound like a good time for anybody, it's actually a minimally painful experience and can provide you with drug-free pain relief.
To book your first acupuncture session with Ideal Health Chiropractic, head over to our appointments page. Or, if you would rather speak directly with our acupuncturist to learn more, call us at 303-222-8048.