What Exactly Is A Spinal Adjustment?

Wednesday, 02 May 2018 08:06
A spinal adjustment, also referred to as spinal manipulation, is a technique for correcting spinal joint abnormalities that is unique to chiropractic medicine. No matter how a spinal adjustment is performed, the intention is to correct the alignment of the vertebrae to relieve pain and discomfort while improving overall well-being.…

What Is Electronic Stimulation?

Friday, 06 April 2018 08:04
The idea of a treatment that involves lots of machines and wires is an often an intimidating thought. Electronic stimulation is one of these kinds of therapies that looks much scarier than it actually is. Electronic muscle stimulation is a common treatment used in chiropractic medicine, physical therapy, and other…
The idea of needles tends to make people shy away from acupuncture as a form of therapy. Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture is a relatively painless treatment that can be used for a variety of different ailments. Relief from everything from allergies to chronic pain to emotional disorders is among…

How Do Custom Orthotics Work?

Friday, 02 February 2018 07:00
Custom orthotics have increased in popularity as foot, knee, hip, and back pain continue to be a problem many people experience. Many people are hesitant to invest in the custom shoe orthotics when there are so many less expensive options that you can get at your regular superstore. While store-bought…

Chiropractic Appointment: What To Expect

Monday, 08 January 2018 06:58
Going to a chiropractic appointment without knowing what to expect can be a nerve-wracking experience. Understanding what chiropractic medicine is, what a chiropractor does, and how a chiropractic appointment can help you treat and prevent aches, pains, and injuries are the best way to determine if chiropractic care is right…

What Stress Does To Your Body

Friday, 01 December 2017 06:55
If you're like most Denver professionals, you likely find yourself overburdened with stress before you even step foot in the office. From early morning alarm clocks to shuffling kids out the door to the school bus and navigating downtown traffic to get to work on time, it's not hard to…

Is Your Pillow Causing You Back Pain?

Wednesday, 15 November 2017 06:53
There can be many causes for back pain ranging from an automobile accident to a sports injury to genetics. One household item you may not consider could be a major player in keeping your back pain free - your pillow. You hear all the time that getting 8 hours of…

Pain Management Options Are Expanding

Wednesday, 25 October 2017 07:51
Over the last fifteen years, we have seen a dramatic increase in opioid overdose deaths. In the United States, 91 people die every day of opioid overdose. Research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control shows that nearly 50 percent of those deaths are caused by the abuse of prescription…
As a chiropractor in Denver, we see a lot of people during the day who come to our office while on a break from theirs. Some folks love their jobs and others aren't as enthusiastic. If you're struggling to feel better at work, here are ten things to try this…
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